The Advanced Deploy exam is a 17-item hands-on lab-based exam. During the exam, students have 3 hours 20 minutes to complete the 17 assigned task objectives across 8 skills areas in a live simulated real-world environment.
The Advanced Deploy VMware vSphere 6.7 Exam Prep Session mimics the actual VMware Certified Advanced Professional – Data Center Virtualization Deploy 2021 certification exam format, with a lab-based, time-limited, objective based format, but provides additional time and tools to check and correct your work, increasing your grasp of the skills and knowledge being tested. Students who purchase our exam prep labs will have 6 hours 30 mins – over twice the length of the actual lab-based exam to practice within the lab session.
Additionally, the labs include our Lab Scoring Tool™, allowing you to check your answers either as you progress through the session or once you have completed all tasks. This tool will check your work on each assigned objective, returning either a Pass or Fail score. If you have not completed a task successfully the tool provides feedback on what specific area(s) need to be addressed to correct your work.

- Your Name and contact details
- The Exam Prep session type you are interested in using
- The week in which you would like to use the session
Our sales team will then work directly with you to set up your Exam Prep environment.
More information about the Advanced Deploy VMware vSphere 6.7 Exam Prep Sessions and how to purchase can be found here: https://www.xtremelabs.io/xtremelabs-products/vmware/